Futures Guidance
Career Education, Information, Advice
Empowering our Pupils for Informed Career Decisions
Meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance
We want our pupils to leave school with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make informed decisions about their future careers.
As a school, we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks for 'Good Career Guidance' by:
Providing a Stable Careers Programme
All pupils from Year 7 have access to a careers advisor and a careers curriculum that is tailored to their needs and interests.
Helping pupils learn from careers information
We provide secondary pupils with access to UniFrog (see below) and also invite speakers from different industries to talk to pupils thoughout the whole-school about their work. -
Addressing the needs of each pupil
We work with pupils to identify their individual needs and interests. We then provide them with tailored support to help them achieve their career goals.
Linking curriculum learning to careers
We help pupils to see how the subjects they are studying at school can be applied to different careers.
Encounters with employers and employees
We invite employers and employees into school to talk to pupils about their work. We also promote workplace visits and job shadowing opportunities. -
Experiences of workplaces
We organise work experience placements for pupils in Year 10 and Year 12. These placements give pupils the opportunity to gain real-world experience of different workplaces. -
Encounters with further and higher education
We invite representatives from further and higher education institutions to school to talk to pupils about their options. We also organise visits to colleges and universities in the UAE and in the UK. -
Personal guidance
All pupils have access to a careers advisor who can provide them with one-on-one support. Careers advisors can help pupils to identify their skills and interests, explore different career options, write CVs and cover letters, and prepare for job interviews.
Future Leaders
As a school we have a Futures Leader who ensures that our careers education, information, advice and guidance is of a high quality throughout the school. They also oversee our careers counsellor and oversee our work experience and mock interviews.
All pupils in secondary also have access to Unifrog to:
- Explore what subjects they would be interested in studying and how these choices can lead to different career paths and higher education.
- Discover and sign up to online courses in areas that they’re interested in.
- See what is needed to make a successful application to a College/University.
- Explore how to successfully apply to an apprenticeship or university course, including universities abroad.

All pupils in secondary also have access to Unifrog to:
- Explore what subjects they would be interested in studying and how these choices can lead to different career paths and higher education.
- Discover and sign up to online courses in areas that they’re interested in.
- See what is needed to make a successful application to a College/University.
- Explore how to successfully apply to an apprenticeship or university course, including universities abroad.

University and College Admissions
We are a registered UCAS centre for UK university and college applications and we work with families and IDP to support applications to other universities around the world.
University and College Admissions
We are a registered UCAS centre for UK university and college applications and we work with families and IDP to support applications to other universities around the world.